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01/2022, Pilates with Kay Ottinger: Knee Health, Lower Back Opening, Climb a Tree

Wake up with the trees! This class focuses on moving the joints, strengthening the muscles of the legs & pelvis, stretching, and strengthening the core with some major inspiration from the trees (moving from the strength of the center out through the limbs).

Pilates With a Roller

5/19/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Spine Length, Pike Plank

7/16/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay:
Low Core to Legs

7/30/20 Pilates Mat with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Back of the Neck Release, Supporting the Head Through Movement

8/13/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Glutes and hip strength

9/10/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Aleixa Freire: Footwork, Connection the Ribs and Hips in Flexion and Extension

9/24/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Calleja Smiley: Finding the Core Through the Legs

10/13/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Using the Roller to Integrate the Whole Spine

11/3/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Quad and Hamstring Strength

11/24/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Lower Back Length while doing Core Work

6/2/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay
Wide Shoulders, Long Limbs, Long Spine

7/23/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay: Stretching and Supporting the Lower Back

8/6/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay:
Hips, Cobra, Upward Dog

9/3/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Arm Strength with Added Theraband

9/17/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Feet, Hips, Shoulders

10/6/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Twisting and Rib Awareness

10/20/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Starting with the lower body and working our way up

11/10/20 Pilates with a Roller w/Kay Ottinger: Lower Back Release

Calleja Smiley

Pilates with a Theraband

6/15/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Side Lying and Back Strength

7/6/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smilely: Breathing with a Theraband and Developing Back Strength

7/20/20, Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Arm Strength and Lunges

8/3/20, Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Side Planks, Roll Overs, and Arm Work

9/14/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Pilates Building Clocks, Shoulder Stability, Planks!

9/28/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Longer Ab Series, Spinal Mobility, Side Bends, Lunges

10/26/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Functional Standing Work (promise it will be fun)

11/9/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Shoulder Stability with Optional Light Hand Weights and Glute/Hip Strength

11/23/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja: Thoracic Mobility and Deep Hip Strength

12/14/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja: Lots of glutes today and some more focused abdominal work

6/22/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Finding Your Back body

7/14/20, Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Roll Down and Arm Varations

7/27/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Standing Single Leg, Lunges, Upper Body Weight Bearing

8/10/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Spinal Rotation and Side Bending

9/21/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja Smiley: Rocking Swan, Teaser, and Standing Balance Work on One Leg

10/12/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja: Upper Body Weight Bearing Variations, Triceps, and Standing Balance

11/2/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja: Shoulder Stability (with the option to use light hand weights/water bottles). Glutes and Hip Strength!

11/16/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja: Rollbacks and Teaser

12/7/20 Pilates with a Theraband w/Calleja: A variety of upper body weight-bearing/ plank variation

Aleixa Freire

Pilates with Hand Weights
Pilates: Core Integration

6/11/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Shoulder Stability

7/2/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Long Limbs and Abdominal Support

7/21/20 Pilates Mat with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Rolling Through the Spine and Maintaining Neutral While Moving the Limbs

8/11/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: A Little Bit of Everything

9/8/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Coordination and Balance

9/29/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Inner Thighs and Chest Opener using a strap/towel/band

10/29/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Softening the "Backpack" Shoulders and Lengthening the Quads

11/27/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Aleixa: Mindful Mat- before and after a mental body scan

12/10/20 Pilates Mat w/Aleixa Freire: Hand Weights and Small Ball Fun

1/6/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration with Aleixa Friere: Rounded Spine and Upper Body Strength with a Theraband and Hand Weights

2/10/21 Pilates 45 w/Aleixa Freire: Ground Those Feet with a Theraband!

6/25/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Arm and Leg Coordination

7/16/20, Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Spine Mobility with Abdominal Support

8/4/20 Pilates Mat with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Bowl of the Pelvis, Folding and Opening

9/1/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Low Core Engagement

9/15/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Chest and Pec Openers, Turning the Legs In and Out

10/15/20 Aleixa Pilates with Hand Weights: Limbs reaching out from the center

11/12/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa Freire: Reaching out of the Joints

12/3/20 Pilates with Two Hand Weights w/Aleixa: Space between the ribs (intercostals).

12/17/20 Pilates with Hand Weights w/Aleixa: Hand Weights and Roller

1/13/21, Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Aleixa Freire: Twist and Strengthen (hand weights and small ball)

Ann-Marie Gover

Pilates: Core Integration
Stretch and Strengthen

6/17/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Ann-Marie Gover: Sideline Glutes and Martha Graham inspired twists!

7/15/20 Pilates Mat with Ann-Marie Gover: Balance Technique

7/29/20, Pilates: Core Integration with Ann-Marie Gover: Dynamic Balancing and Weight Bearing (with a soup can!)

9/2/20 Pilates Mat:Core Integration with Ann-Marie Gover: Abdominals, Weight Transfer and Balance

9/16/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Ann-Marie: Spinal Sequencing

9/30/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration with Ann-Marie Gover: Arms and Standing Leg Strength

10/28/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Ann-Marie Gover: Roll Downs, Balance and Floor Work

11/11//20 Pilates: Core Integration with Ann-Marie: Balance, Abdominals, Twists and Extensions

12/2/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Ann-Marie Gover, Leg Stretches, Twists, Core Work, Extension and Balances,

12/16/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Ann-Marie Gover, Abdominals, Plank Series, Leg Work and Swimming!

1/13/21 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Ann-Marie Gover: Gentle Flow + Leg Work

2/10/21 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/ Ann-Marie Gover: Side Bending, Balance, Rolling Sequence on the Floor

7/8/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration with Ann-Marie Gover: Hip Strength and Balance

7/22/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Ann-Marie Gover: Exploring Balance and Foot Placement

8/5/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration with Ann-Marie Gover: Roll Downs, Side Bends and Squats!

9/9/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Ann-Marie: Hip Strength, Side Bending and Twisting

9/23/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/ Ann-Marie Gover: Series of 5, Clamshell and Standing Balances

10/14/20, 8pm Pilates Mat: Core Integration with Ann-Marie Gover, Triceps, Hamstrings and Upper Back Care

11/4/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Ann-Marie Gover; Side Planks, Lunges and Rolling Sequence

11/18/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Ann-Marie Gover: Triceps, Core and Standing One Leg Balance

12/9/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Ann-Marie Gover, Softening the Heart, Space in the Spine + Wall and Balance

12/18/20 Stretch and Strengthen with Ann-Marie Gover: All About the Spine + Dance Moves

1/15/21 Stretch +Strengthen w/ Ann-Marie Gover: Lower Body Love

Kay Ottinger

Pilates: Core Integration

7/3/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Legs! Stretching the Front and Activating the Back (floating bicycles)

7/31/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Making Space Between the Head & Neck and Connecting them into the Core!

9/4/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Feeling the Center of the Spine

9/25/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Hip and Leg Strength while still Opening the Pelvis and Lower Back

10/9/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Ribs are to Shoulders as Pelvis is to Legs

10/30/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Hips, Glutes, Side Bending

11/6/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Glutes and hips

12/4/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Opening up the back body, strengthening the legs, end with some push ups!!

1/22/21 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Strengthening the Abdominals and Lower Back

3/4/21 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay: Triceps and Shoulder Strength for Core Strength

3/12/21 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay: Inner Thighs and filling out the Form of Pilates

7/24/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Lengthening and Strengthening the Psoas

8/7/20 Pilate: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Core, Planks, and Lunges!

8/14/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Sideline

9/11/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Hips and Deep Abdominal Connection

10/2/12 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Footwork, Finding the Floor from Leg to Core Strength

10/16/20 Pilates Mat Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Pelvis, Ribs, Head

11/13/20 Pilates:Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Using a blanket or towel to soften into the Core

12/11/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Taking some time to soften the upper traps

2/26/20 Pilates Core Integration with Kay Ottinger: Working on Plank Form

3/5/21 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay: Squats, Deep abdominals for Spine Stretch and Roll Downs

3/26/21 Pilates: Core Integration with Kay: Mobilizing the feet, supporting the neck and shoulders, squats

Julie Keveles

Pilates: Core Integration
For Osteopilates Click

8/12/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration with Julie Keveles: Strong Shoulders and Supple Hips

10/21/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Julie Keveles, Mobilization and Plank Work

11/14/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Julie: Leg Strength and Length

12/19/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Julie Keveles: Spinal Stability with a Theraband and Squishy Ball

10/24/20 Pilates Mat: Core Integration w/Julie Keveles: Standing and Floor Core Work

11/7/20 Pilates Mat w/Julie Keveles: Strength and Range of Motion with a Theraband

12/12/20 Pilates: Core Integration with Julie: Get the Blood Flowing!

Pilates Mat: The Classics

6/16/20 Pilates Mat: The Classics with Sarah Awad: Long Legs and Strong Hips

6/23/20 Pilates Mat: The Classics with Sarah Awad: Choreography Remix